Monday, September 21, 2009

Philippines- Day trip to Corregidor Island (World War 2 ruins)

All houses in compound are behind gates with a locked door for people to use.

After this climb and then 38 more steps we get to our room!!

This is Jane who is writing my name in Chinese. Knows several languages and worked as a translator etc. during WWII

View from a park where we walked to many times

One of the MANY Jeepnies. A main way many travel

This is the boat we went on for a day trip to Corregidor Island

A few pics of different ruins

One of many guns we saw

I climbed up a lighthouse and waved to Dad far below. You know how I love heights

A war memorial

Guns built in the hillside

I shall return [Hope we can some day]

Tunnel built under 300 ft of rock. This was there hospital etc connected by many many tunnels.Couldn't go down them as they were too ruined. While walking through they played sound effects of airplanes and bombs. Very eerie

Some outriggers

Coming back to Manila

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