Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ellery's baptism day

Celebrating Dana and Lois' birthdays at Perkins - breakfast

Little Ellery, a little honey

Perfect day to have coffee outdoors

Proud Dad and Mom

Things I knit and a family gathering

I'm growing up

What was that, Grandpa ?

Hey,Taylor !

Can't put that yarn down !!

Max and Oliver at G and G's house

Lois knows how to make it look good

A few hours of knitting !!!!!

Few pics of berry picking and the fair

At the fair

Do I dare ?

Can you find us ?

We had a great time

Mackenzie doing her best and enjoying every minute of it

There's more to picking berries than you think !!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Great day with grandkids

Aunt Dana and Grandma took the kids to Grand River County Park. Many trails like this one.This is a treasure hunt for the kids. Happy hunting!!

Time for a snack

Tree huggers!

Bags are filling up

Max picked this for Mom

Which way do we go now?

Time for lunch

Two silly cousins

And the winner is...............ETHAN!!

Next we went swimming at Evan and Annica's house

Then back to Grandpa and Grandma's house for a hotdog roast

Time to relax. Think the kids had a great day.

Trip to Wingham and Brad's 40th birthday

This is where salt is loaded on Lake Hur0n

Few pics by Lake Huron

Checking the chicken

Waiting for the man of the day


Big brother Dave

The girls are as excited as Brad